Men's Underwear This Year
The Definitive Guide to Men's Underwear in 2022
This is the ultimate guide to Men's Underwear in 2022. And let us be clear about something:
This is NOT a lame “Men's Underwear” types and fabrics guide.
Yes, we’ll cover the most important types.
But you’re also going to get practical tips that work to make you look better and sexier.
So if you’re looking to up your confidence game this year, you’ll love this guide.
The History of Men's Underwear
For today’s men, our underwear is an essential part of our day-to-day life, but that hasn’t always been the case. Let’s take a look at the history of underwear for men throughout the ages.
Ancient underwear
The earliest known examples of underwear is the loincloth.
Can you visualise yourself in a loincloth?
They’re a form of clothing associated with most ancient civilisations.
Archaeologists have found examples of loincloths that date back more than 7,000 years.
The loincloth was generally just a strip of cloth that passes between the legs and fastens at the waist.
They were undoubtedly pretty comfortable to wear, and super-practical.
Renaissance underwear
From around the time of the Middle Ages, men began wearing trouser-like undergarments.
To put these on, you stepped into them, pulled them up, and then secured them with laces at the waist.
Over the centuries, these undergarments became more fitted, and the codpiece developed.
The codpiece is a fairly hilarious bit of clothing, but at the time it was a major innovation.
The front flap of the undergarments is what became known as the codpiece.
This flap enabled men to urinate without having to undress. A huge step forward.
Henry VIII of England started the trend of padding his codpiece.
No one really knows why the King started padding his codpiece. Researchers believe that it probably started out as bandages that were used to treat his syphilis.
Syphilis isn’t sexy, but the King’s padded groin led to a trend that saw men wearing large, eye-catching codpieces as a fashion statement.
Industrial underwear
Things really stepped up a gear when it came to the Industrial Age.
Cotton fabrics became widely available, and designers invented Nylon.
Factories became able to mass-produce underwear.
These innovations meant that affordable underwear was now widely available.
One of the styles of underwear to emerge during this period was the Union Suit – first patented in New York in 1868.
The Union Suit was a one-piece, front-buttoning, neck-to-ankle undergarment.
It’s the Union Suit that evolved into long-johns as we know them today.
Another style of underwear that emerged during this period was the jockstrap.
The Bike Jockey Strap was first made in 1874 to help protect the genitals of the bicycle couriers of Boston.
Jockstraps were designed to support and cushion the genitals of the couriers as they clattered across cobblestone streets.
Military underwear
Necessity is the mother of invention!
The hardships of WWI and WWII played a major role in shaping men’s underwear as we know it today.
To equip them for WWI, soldiers were issued with button-front shorts as underwear.
The practicality of this design proved popular, and it remained the preferred style once peace returned.
If you’re a fan of boxer shorts, you can thank the front-line soldiers for leading the way.
The style of underwear that we now know as briefs also date from this period.
They were first manufactured in 1935.
The early versions of briefs were called ‘the jockey’ because the support they provided was similar to the jockstrap.
Fashionable underwear
In the decades that followed WWII, the advertising industry began to flex its muscles.
Underwear ads were soon being splashed across magazines and newspapers.
Over time, sex appeal became a key selling point.
Underwear ads became all about how sexy they’ll make your feel and look, with little focus on the products comfort or durability.
Specialty underwear brands now dominate the market.
Innovation is now focused on the use of colour, pattern, and design to help men look and feel their best.
The Analysis - the resultsof our survey are in!
We’re not afraid to ask the hard questions, so we recently partnered with queer news publication MeansHappy.com to ask their readers about underwear.
Men’s underwear styles
Just so that we’re all talking about the same things, we defined the different styles for our survey respondents.
Briefs: You might know these as bikini-style underwear. They’re snug-fitting – covering your butt and providing some support to your genitals.
Boxer Briefs: Sometimes called Trunks, these are snug-fitting shorts.
Boxers: A loose-fitting short that generally have a fly at the front.
Jockstrap: Provides support for your genitals but no coverage to your butt. Held in place by straps across the rear that connect to the waistband.
Thong: Also known as a g-string, this is similar to a jockstrap but has one strap at the back that is worn between your butt-cheeks. Called Tangas Masculinas in Spanish.
Commando: This is the term used to describe when you’re not wearing any underwear.
What is your preferred style of underwear for day-to-day wear?
Briefs: 43%
Boxer Briefs: 36%
Boxers: 8%
Jockstrap: 7%
Thong: 1%
Commando: 5%
What is your preferred style of underwear to wear to the gym?
Briefs: 34%
Boxer Briefs: 27%
Boxers: 6%
Jockstrap: 19%
Thong: 3%
Commando: 11%
What’s your preferred style of underwear on other guys?
Briefs: 43%
Boxer Briefs: 21%
Boxers: 5%
Jockstrap: 19%
Thong: 4%
Commando: 8%
Does underwear excite you sexually?
Yes: 83%
No: 17%
Of the 83% of guys who said that underwear excited them sexually, their responses could be categorised as follows:
It accentuates the male body: 73%
It’s part of the foreplay of having sex: 17%
It’s a fetish: 10%
Where do you generally buy your underwear?
Online: 58%
Instore: 42%
How frequently do you generally buy new underwear?
4% said at least once a week
24% said at least once a month
36% said at least once every three months
17% said at least once every six months
13% said at least once a year
I can’t remember the last time I bought new underwear: 6%
This is much better than the average 7 years men of all ages and sexual orientations, in average, keep their underwear!!
How much do you normally spend on a pair of underwear?
22% said less than USD$10 per pair
43% replied less than USD$20 per pair
29% said less than USD$30 per pair
More than USD$30 per pair: 6%
When you’re buying your preferred style of underwear, which is generally the most important factor that influences your choice?
Colour/Design: 33%
Brand: 22%
Comfort: 20%
Price: 5%
Previous experience of the product: 13%
Recommendations from friends or other trusted source: 4%
Other: 3%
What is the main thing about your favourite underwear brand that appeals to?
Comfort: 48%
Design/Colours: 26%
The reaction I get from guys when I wear them: 9%
The range of options they have available: 7%
They’re a cool brand: 3%
Good advertising: 2%
Other: 5%
What do the survey results tell us?
Guys think about underwear a lot.
For most guys, there is a sexual element to underwear.
The underwear market is surprisingly fragmented – there’s a lot of brand competition.
Comfort, design, and price are the key factors guiding the underwear purchasing decisions of men.
Key Trends in UnderwearWhat Men will be Wearing this Year
Like any aspect of fashion and style, the trends in underwear can be influenced by all sorts of things.Factors that shape underwear styles could include what’s happening in movies, music, environmental issues, or whatever our favorite celebrities are into.Here are a few of the current trends that are worth keeping an eye on.
Colorful Men’s Underwear
Color is a big trend in underwear at the moment.
Color isn’t just about being eye-catching, but it can be a subtle way to make the most of what you’ve got.
For example, the addition of brightly-colored seams can enhance the contour and shape of the crotch.
Wearing colorful underwear can also help you to project your personality .
Bbright and bold color choices indicate that you’re fun and outgoing.
Bold graphic prints are another way to convey the image that you want to present to the world.
Bulge Enhancing Men’s Underwear
Some guys feel a bit hesitant about bulge enhancing options in underwear.
While it’s admirable to be happy with what you’ve got, there’s nothing wrong with presenting your best-self.
Bringing your A-game to stand out from the crowd and attract a bit of attention.
The old-school strategy was to stick a sock down your pants, but thankfully things have got a lot more sophisticated in recent years.
There’s now a lot of options out there – everything from c-rings, slings, pouch pads, or clever construction and design that adds extra bulk to your crotch.
Bulge enhancing underwear isn’t just for guys who feel a bit on the small size.
Everyone is different. Whatever your size, cleverly designed underwear can help you feel more comfortable and help to hold everything in the right position.
Sporty and Sexy Men’s Underwear
In contrast to some of the softer, lacier underwear trends, the uber-macho styles of sports underwear still remain very popular.
Sportswear is a really classic underwear choice, and that locker-room aesthetic taps into all of our football-jock fantasies.
Sportswear isn’t just for guys who go to the gym – any shape or body-type can be enhanced with the right sporty underwear.
Expect to see underwear that’s super-practical but elevated with cutting-edge construction and fabric combined with contemporary design.
Underwear for Your Body Type
One of the challenges with buying underwear is that often the advertising that we’re being influenced by doesn’t generally match what’s looking back at us in the mirror.
It’s easy to get the impression that underwear is only a design for lean and muscular guys who exist on not much more than protein shakes and ab-crunches.
What’s important is to find the style of underwear that’s right for you. You need to feel comfortable and confident. That takes a bit of trial and error, and experimenting with different styles, until you figure out what you like best.
What’s the best men’s underwear if I have chunky thighs?
Your best bet is probably a pair of snug briefs.
This will give you plenty of support while maximising movement and comfort for your thighs.
From a visual perspective, briefs help to elongate the appearance of your legs, which is handy if you’re a bit on the short side.
What’s the best men’s underwear if I’m tall and skinny?
Boxer-briefs or boxer-shorts are good styles for you to look at.
These styles highlight your lean physique but also bring some structure to your wardrobe.
Try some bright bold colors or patterns as these help to hold the eye’s attention and make you seem a bit more compact.
What’s the best men’s underwear if I’ve got a Dad-bod?
You honestly can’t go wrong with a jockstrap.
A jockstrap will emphasise your curves and swerves, making it extra appealing to snuggle into your embrace.
What’s the best men’s underwear if I’m a mature man?
Age is no barrier to anything, but you might have decided that it’s time to leave the bold colour colours and bright patterns to the twinks of the world.
You’re looking for classic styles that show that you’ve still got an eye for what looks good.
A well-fitted brief in a block colour is a good starting point – this is a style with timeless appeal.
Buying Men's Underwear Online
In the early days of underwear, most households made their own.With the changes to production brought about by the Industrial Revolution, mass-produced underwear became widely available in stores.While many guys still prefer to buy their underwear in stores, the development of the internet has made online shopping a whole new way of doing business.
Online shopping has a lot of obvious advantages – it’s quick and easy and whatever you’ve purchased is delivered straight to your door.
One of the challenges in buying clothes online is that it removes the opportunity to try something on before making the final decision.
But not being able to try something on isn’t a problem with underwear.
Even if you’re buying your underwear in-store, they’re not going to let you try them on.
You need to know your size and which style suits you best – often that takes a bit of trial and error.
Buying the right size
A good starting point is to know what your waist-size is.
If you take a 34-inch when you’re buying a pair of trousers, then that’s the size you need to be looking for when it comes to underwear.
When you’re shopping online with Hunk2, you’re able to reference our handy size guide.
Our size guide tells you how our underwear matches up to your measurements.
For example, a 34-inch waist equates to a Medium size in our underwear.
If you’re buying a new style that you haven’t tried before, just start with one pair to make sure that the size you’ve selected is actually what you’re looking for.
Once you’ve found what you like and what fits you, you can confidently buy more of the product from us in the future.
Finding the right men’s underwear brands
It’s understandable that when you find a style of underwear that works for you, you’re going to stick with it. Better the devil you know.
But don’t get too stuck in your ways. There’s a lot of innovation going on in the world of men’s underwear.
Even if you’ve got your classic styles that you know that you love, take the opportunity to test and try new products that catch your eye.
A great starting point is the range of men’s underwear that we’ve got at HUNK2. We’ve got all the styles in lots of bright and bold colours.
Buying underwear online: custommer support makes the difference
If you’ve bought a pair of underwear and there’s a problem with the product, don’t be afraid to make a complaint or send them back.
Here at HUNK2, we want to hear from you. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about – if the size is wrong, or the wrong item has turned up, or there’s some other issue, then let us know.
Keeping our customers happy is essential for the success of our business. We want to hear what you like and don’t like about your experience of shopping with us.
Common Underwear Mistakes
The common mistakes that we cover in this section will probably all sound like common-sense.However, it never hurts to occasionally cast a critical eye over your underwear drawer and re-think what you’re seeing in the mirror.
Failing the freshness test
Your underwear needs to look sharp and feel fresh. If it’s faded, if it’s got holes in it, if it’s stretched or out of shape – it’s time to be ruthless, that underwear needs to go.
We’ve all got our favorite pairs that we’re reluctant to part with, but when it comes to underwear you can’t be sentimental.
Failing the hygiene factor
It’s a simple rule – new day, fresh underwear.
When you undress, don’t ever ask yourself whether you could get another wear out of your briefs – just put them straight into the laundry basket.
There’s been studies done about how your underwear collects microscopic particles of faeces – trust us, you don’t want to know.
Failing the care criteria
If you’re in charge of the washing and drying of your clothes, try and give some consideration to your underwear.
Drying is where most of the damage is done – the heat from a clothes-dryer causes the elastic to deteriorate.
Try and air-dry them if possible, or give them a gentle dry in the machine.
Failing the quality consideration
You don’t have to spend a fortune on underwear, but don’t prioritise economy over comfort.
You need underwear that you can wear all day, underwear that helps you to feel good and look good. Cheap underwear is just disappointing for everyone.
Match the underwear style to the situation
If you’ve ever been trying to get ready for something important but you get stuck staring into your wardrobe wondering where to start, then this chapter is for you. We’re going to take a look at some of the common situations we find ourselves in our day-to-day lives. We’re then going to workshop why some underwear styles might be more appropriate than others.
The key factors here are that you want to dress to impress, you want to send the right signals, but you also want to be comfortable and feel good about yourself.
As well as the situation that you’re going into, your choice of underwear will be influenced by who you are, what you want to feel, and the image that you want to project.
What underwear should I wear to a job interview?
Whatever job you’re going for – whether it’s your dream career or just a way to pay the bills – the key thing is that you need to be as relaxed and comfortable as possible.
That’s why we’re recommending a classic pair of briefs when you’re heading into a job interview.
You want to hold everything in place. If you’re wearing a suit, or a nice pair of trousers, you want underwear that’s going to help you look sharp.
You’re probably going to be sweating a bit, so you need a comfortable fit that’s not going to be too tight or constricted.
There’s already enough to think about during a job interview, you don’t want to have to be worrying about your underwear.
What underwear should I wear on a long flight?
It doesn’t matter if your flight is two hours or twelve hours, the same rules apply.
When you’re preparing for your travels, you know that you’re going to be sitting in relatively cramped conditions for an extended period of time.
You need practical, functional underwear. Avoid anything too tight, or anything that you might need to try and adjust or rearrange mid-flight.
A sensible pair of boxer-briefs is the ideal choice when flying. Give yourself a relaxed fit, while also ensuring comfort and support.
What underwear should I wear for a gym work-out?
The locker-room of your gym is a great way to compare underwear choices, and get a sense of what the other guys are rocking out in while they’re lifting.
Your gym work-out requires comfort and support, but also needs to give you plenty of room to breathe as you’re going to be working up a sweat.
A jock-strap is the ideal choice – it holds everything nice and snug, while also enabling as much air as possible to flow around your body.
Go with one of the newer sporty styles, to show that you’re a forward-thinking kind of guy.
What underwear should I wear for a date?
Whether or not you’re the kind of guy that puts out on a first date, the underwear that you choose is going to be sending some pretty clear signals.
Your underwear should match your intentions. If this is just a coffee catch-up to see if you’ve got a connection, then you can’t go wrong with a classic pair of briefs.
In a pair of briefs you’ll feel comfortable and confident, and that will enable you to bring your A-game and impress the guy who’s got your attention.
If you’re wanting to project something that’s a bit sexy, a bit flirty, a bit fun, then an old-school jockstrap in a bright color is a great choice.
Let the waistband of your jockstrap peek up over your jeans. Let your guy know what’s in store for him if he plays his cards right.
What underwear should I wear for a hook-up?
If you’ve put your technology to good use and lined up some action, then you know that whatever underwear you choose is going to be coming off fairly quickly.
A jockstrap is often a popular choice for a hook-up, but it’s getting a bit predictable.
Why not try a thong?
Thongs have a cool, retro feel – a 70s vintage-porn kind of vibe that will bring a smile to your guy’s face.
A thong is also a great way to show off your assets and showcase the results of all of the squats that you’ve been doing in the gym.
When can I wear men’s silk or lace underwear?
This is totally up to you.
Silk and lace aren’t particularly robust fabrics, so maybe this style of underwear is something to save for a special occasion, or if you want to feel extra sexy. Keep in mind that it will wear out fast.
These more delicate fabrics are becoming increasingly popular for men to wear as underwear – but Nylon based fabrics feel better the body! That’s why we manufacture all our underwear using only premium Nylon.
When can I wear men’s mesh, sheer or see-through underwear?
Incorporating mesh into the design of men’s underwear makes a lot of sense.
Mesh or other see-through fabrics that provide a sheer effect not only add a bit of sex appeal, but they also help keep their air flowing around your body.
We’re happy to wear see-through or mesh sheer underwear any day, all day.
When can I wear men’s thermal or long underwear?
When we’re talking about long underwear for men, we’re generally talking about the style we know as long-johns.
You might also describe these as thermal underwear, or leggings.
You should wear this style of underwear during cold weather – they’ll keep your thighs extra snug.
Some guys like to wear long underwear when sleeping, as a form of sleep-wear.
How to choose the right underwearwhen you’re playing sports
Different sports require different types of movement, and they also have different styles of sports kit . Some sports involve body contact, others don’t. It’s logical that the style of underwear that you wear for one sport may be completely inappropriate when it comes to another. Let’s take a look at some key styles of underwear and see if we can match them up with the relevant sports.
What sports are best suited to wearing briefs?
Briefs seem to be the favorites of football players, squash, badminton, and tennis players.
This is a style of underwear that lets your body move, keeping your cock and balls snug and with support, but not offering any real protection.
Inevitably, your briefs are going to get sweaty, but that’s part of what makes the after-match showers such a highlight.
What sports are best suited to wearing boxer briefs?
Field hockey is the kind of sport where you’ll find guys wearing boxer briefs.
This is a non-contact sport that requires a lot of movement around the field.
Boxer briefs keep you comfortable but still ready for action.
What sports are best suited to wearing boxers?
Old-school boxers give you comfort and help to keep their air flowing around your body.
This style of underwear is better for those sports that don’t require any sudden movements – sports such as golf, darts, or archery.
What sports are best suited to wearing a jockstrap?
The jockstrap is the classic piece of sports kit that we’ve all adopted as one of our favourite styles of underwear.
Although cycling is the activity that led to the innovation of jockstraps, it’s the sport of American football that has really helped to elevate the jockstrap to an iconic style of underwear.
This is a style of underwear that’s ideal for any sport that involves body contact – the design of the jockstrap provides some sort of protection to your cock and balls.
Many jockstraps are also able to hold a protective cup – ideal for sports such as boxing, cricket, or lacrosse.
What sports are best suited to wearing a thong?
It’s not immediately apparent which sports would lend themselves to wearing a thong.
Dancers have created their own version of the thong with the dance belt.
It’s probably your more sedentary sports that require thinking not movement, where the intimate fit of a thong might help you to keep your mind on the game.
Thong-appropriate sports might include chess, poker, or backgammon.
What sports are best suited to going commando?
Cycling is all about the lycra – those shorts come with padding, so commando is the only option.
Greco-Roman wrestling is a sport that’s of interest specifically because of the skin-tight lycra singlets that the wrestlers wear – it’s clear that everyone goes commando when wrestling.
Swimming is another sport where underwear is obviously completely superfluous. Nothing says streamlined speed better than a super-tight pair of lycra swim-briefs.
Rowing requires a smoothness of movement that you can only achieve with a skin-tight lycra singlet and no underwear.
About Wearing Men's Underwear
There are five basic types of men’s underwear.
Briefs or bikinis, boxer briefs or trunks, boxer shorts, jockstraps, and thongs or g-strings.
Body-shape can play a big role in determining which underwear style will work best for you.
It’s not a case of one-size-fits-all.
Try a selection of different styles and go with what feels best.
Often advertised as men’s trunks or men’s trunk underwear, this is what’s generally known as boxer briefs.
You could describe them as a combination between the shape of boxers with the fit of briefs.
They’re shorts that have a snug and tailored fit.
The fit of your underwear is a personal preference, but as you’re generally wearing your underwear all day then comfort is often a primary consideration.
When choosing underwear, use your waist size as a starting point.
If you take a 34-inch waist in trousers, then you’re going to be looking for the equivalent size in underwear. Check our men’s underwear size chart here.
Whether you’re travelling or just wanting a neat and tidy underwear drawer, the best method is to roll your underwear.
Gently roll the underwear into a loose ball and you can stack or stuff them wherever they need to go.
About Buying and Selling Men's Underwear
Men’s underwear is widely available in most clothing stores, or you can buy online through a brand such as HUNK2.
You can’t try on underwear in-store, so it’s probably easier and more convenient to buy your underwear from a specialist online retailer such as HUNK2. Visit the shop section here.
There’s a lot of different brands out there, all competing for your attention.
Ultimately, the best underwear is the style that makes you feel comfortable and confident.
Price isn’t the best indicator of which is going to be the best style for you.
Try out a few different styles and find your favorite. HUNK2 has positioned itself as one of the favorites among fashion-conscious and sophisticated men.
The underwear that you find comfortable to wear will depend on your body shape and size and personal preference.
Try a range of different styles until you find what works best for you.
At HUNK2, our design team believes that you don’t have to settle for either comfort or fashion, when you can have both. We design stylish product but always thinking of comfort. Our goal is that you look great while you forget you’re wearing any underwear whatsoever.
While this style of underwear is believed to have originated in the strip clubs of Vegas, it’s an increasingly popular choice for men around the world.
The best option is to go online. Make sure you check our online store here.
There’s an increasing demand for underwear for men that pumps up the sex appeal of what you’re wearing.
Whether it’s using some mesh in the construction or going with a material that’s a bit lacier or silkier than you might expect from men’s underwear.
A specialist online brand such as HUNK2 will be able to provide plenty of options to choose from.
Lots of people have a fetish for underwear, and that can include buying a guy’s underwear after he’s worn it.
Online fetish sites are your best choice to tap into this market. Try the men’s underwear and swimwear club group on Facebook.
The general rule is that there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but if you want to try our underwear styles, the best bet is to sign up to our newsletters and social media channels.
Here at HUNK2, we often have special offers or competitions that you can take part in – these will occasionally include free samples.
Other popular questions
While the designs of men’s underwear may seem relatively straightforward, there’s a lot of research and thought that goes into their production.
Specialist designers and manufacturers work together to design and produce underwear that meets the needs of men.
When you hear string bikini underwear for men, you might assume that people are talking about a g-string or a thong.
However, men’s string bikini underwear generally refers to a style of men’s briefs.
While the genitals and the butt are covered by fabric, the design is extra revealing on the legs, with a narrow waistband or string holding everything in place.
Yes. Premium brands like HUNK2 use a mix of breathable Nylon and Elastane, which gives your underwear a soft, elastic texture.
Nylon mixes are the standard of premium underwear since the texture adds comfort.
Additionally, men’s underwear made from the blended fabric that ncludes nylon is more robust and holds its shape.
This dates back to the evolution of underwear for men.
At one stage, it was common for men to wear neck-to-knee underwear -making it difficult to go to the toilet without completely taking their clothes off.
The hole at the front – which is generally referred to as ‘the fly’ – meant that a guy could urinate by simply opening his trousers.
Find the style that’s right for youfrom HUNK² Underwear
There’s a lot of different underwear brands out there, all competing for your attention and space in your underwear drawer.Here at HUNK2, we like to think that we’re a bit different.We’re specialists - all we do is underwear and swimwear for guys.We’re all about function, but everything we do also has a bit of added sexiness.
Sexiness in underwear can come from the design, the fit, the fabrics, or just the bright and bold colors that turn heads in gym locker-rooms.
At HUNK2, our underwear is available in briefs, boxer-briefs or trunks, jockstraps, and thongs or g-strings.
Let us give you a guided tour of the latest styles available in our HUNK2 Underwear online store.
We love to use bright, bold colors and strong patterns in the underwear that we create.
In our current range, we’re indulging our inner space-geek – fusing together astronomy, virtual reality, science fiction, and sex appeal.
Premium fabrics are essential for underwear that is comfortable and durable.
We don’t compromise on the quality of our fabric, opting for a blend that optimises wearability but also helps to maintain the shape and support that you’re looking for.
We’re big fans of a bit of mesh in our underwear, so we’re always looking for any excuse to add a mesh highlight.
Our styles are low-rise with a wide elastic waistband.
This method of construction maximises comfort but also helps you to enhance all of your natural assets.
Our low-rise style helps you to create a visual illusion of a longer torso and a more defined waist.
We also like to keep our boxer-briefs quite short – this highlights the strength of your thighs and helps to visually elongate your legs.
Although we like to think that we’re the experts on men’s underwear, the reality is that everyone’s opinion is equally valid – we’ve all got a lot of underwear experience!
What do you think of our advice and guidance? Is there anything that you don’t agree with or think that we should take another look at?
How do you choose your underwear? Do you have an underwear fetish, or is it not something that you spend a lot of time thinking about?
Jump into the comments below and share your thoughts with the world.
Want to show us what you’re rocking? Bring your selfie-game and tag us on Insta!
Or, if you’d like to take this conversation offline, slide into our DMs and confess all of your underwear fantasies.
We’re here for it! All of it! Anything underwear-related – we’re your guys!